The value of endovascular recanalization in patients with non-acute large artery occlusion with impaired anterior circulation perfusion
XIANG Shiqi1, ZHANG Zhou2, GAO Xiaoping2, YANG Jianfeng3
1. The General Hospital of Hunan University of Medicine, huaihua 418000; 2. The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University/Hunan Provincial Hospital, Changsha 410005; 3. School of Medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013
Abstract:Objective Investigating the improvement of imaging and clinical symptoms of endovascular recanalization for large artery occlusion (LAO) with impaired anterior circulation perfusion and evaluating the safety and efficacy of endovascular opening therapy in multiple dimensions. Methods patients with non-acute LAO with impaired anterior circulation perfusion in Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital were included from January 2020 to February 2021, who were all treated with endovascular recanalization. We compared the multimode imaging and neurology scales between preoperative and postoperation to explore the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. Results A total of 13 patients were accept this study, including 6 cases with MCAO and 7 cases with ICAO.11 patients were successfully operated. Preoperative CTP showed that compared with that in the healthy side, The neurological deficits and functional independence rate at 30 days after operation、the cognitive function at 90 days after surgery were all improved significantly compare with preoperative. In addition, the radiographic follow-up some patients showed that no restenosis occurred in the patients with successful recanalization, and with the gradual recovery of hemodynamics, the absolute values of CBF, MTT and TTP tended to be normal. Conclusion Endovascular recanalization for LAO with impaired anterior circulation perfusion is feasible, relatively and relatively safe, improving patients’overall prognosis and quality of life. Further larger scale studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy and long-term outcome associated with this treatment.
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