The chain mediating effect of proactive personality and leisure crafting in ICU nurses on spiritual climate and innovative behavior |
ZHANG Zhenwei1, QIN Hanzhi1, CHEN Yejun2,3 |
1. Nursing Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of the University of Science and Technology of China /Anhui Provincial Hospital, Hefei 230000; 2. Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230000; 3. School of Stomatology, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230000 |
Abstract Objective To explore the multiple mediating effects of proactive personality and leisure crafting on the influence of spiritual climate on innovative behaviors of ICU nurses. Methods A total of 428 ICU nurses from 15 hospitals in Anhui province were selected by convenience sampling method in May, 2023. By using General Data Questionnaire, spiritual climate scale, proactive personality scale, leisure crafting scale and innovation behavior scale, the chain mediation model was constructed and tested. Results The total score of spiritual climate, proactive personality, leisure crafting and innovative behavior of ICU nurses were (69.50±19.75), (53.80±7.24), (32.51±5.89) and (35.85±6.93) respectively. The indirect effect of spiritual climate on innovation behavior was established, the total indirect effect was 0.248; the specific intermediary effect of proactive personality accounted for 37.50% of the total indirect effect; The specific mediating effect of leisure crafting accounted for 36.69% of the total indirect effect; The chain mediating effect of proactive personality and leisure crafting in spiritual climate and innovative behavior accounted for 25.81% of the total indirect effect. Conclusion The innovative behavior of ICU nurses is in the upper middle level. The mediating role of proactive personality and leisure crafting in the spiritual climate and innovative behavior of ICU nurses is established. It is suggested that nursing managers should improve the working environment and organizational culture, enhance nurses' work enthusiasm, and create favorable conditions to increase their leisure crafting, so as to promote nurses' innovative behavior level.
Received: 03 April 2024
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