Construction of an accelerated recovery position management plan for patients after cesarean section |
TAN Mei, YANG Xiuchun |
1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410005; 2. Hunan Women's and Children's Hospital, Changsha 410023 |
Abstract Objective To construct a postoperative patient position management plan for cesarean section based on Accelerated Rehabilitation Surgery (ERAS). Methods According to the concept of accelerated rehabilitation surgery and clinical experience, the study group scientifically screened the literature, extracted and collected the evidence, and drew up the first draft of the postoperation Posture Management Plan for cesarean section patients. Through the expert meeting, verify the scientific nature of the proposal and revise the final draft. Results A total of 11 articles were screened out, 24 best evidences were extracted, and the postural management program was established by expert meeting, including 7 Management Timing, 7 management goals and 36 management content. The effective recovery rate of the expert meeting questionnaire was 100%, the expert authority coefficient (CR) was 0.94, and the Kendall coordination coefficient was 0.24(χ2=26.10, P<0.05). Conclusion The management plan of accelerating recovery posture for patients after cesarean section is reliable, the expert authority coefficient is high, the expert opinion tends to be consistent, and the contentis scientific and practical, it can provide reference for clinical nurses to guide patients’ early activities after cesarean section, and promote the application of ERAS in obstetrics.
Received: 02 April 2024
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