The effect of perceived workplace rudeness on job adjustment among new nurses: the chain mediating role of self-efficacy and job engagement |
WANG Zimei1, LI Yue'e2, HU Meide2 |
1. School of medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013, China; 2. Xiangdong Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, Zhuzhou 412000, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the chain mediating role of self-efficacy and work engagement in the perceived rudeness of new nurses in the work environment (hereinafter referred to as "perceived rudeness") and occupational adaptation. Methods From September to November 2022, 416 new nurses from 6 Class III and Class A general hospitals in Hunan Province were investigated with the workplace disrespect scale, the general self-efficacy scale, the work engagement scale and the nurse workplace adaptation scale. Results The average score of the new nurses' rude behavior perception item was (1.64±0.57), the average score of self-efficacy item was (2.65±0.60), the average score of work engagement item was (3.61±0.92), and the average score of occupational adaptation item was (3.87±0.62); The indirect effect of rude behavior perception on occupational adaptation is established, and the total indirect effect is -0.151; The mediating effect of self-efficacy or work engagement accounted for 12.8% and 11.9% of the total effect respectively; The chain mediating effect between self-efficacy and work involvement in the perception of rude behavior and occupational adaptation accounted for 7.7% of the total effect. Conclusion The professional adaptation ability of new nurses is at the middle and upper level, and the multiple mediating effects of self-efficacy and work engagement in the mechanism of the impact of rude behavior perception on the professional adaptation of new nurses are established. Nursing managers and new nurses themselves can reduce the perception of rude behavior, and improve the occupational adaptation status by enhancing self-efficacy and work engagement.
Received: 06 March 2023
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