A Survey on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Milk and Dairy Products and Intervention for Students in a Junior Middle School in Fengcheng City, 2022 |
ZHU Xiaoyong1, LIU Hui2, ZHU Yongfei3 |
1. Fengcheng No. 1 Middle School, fengcheng 331199, China; 2. Fengcheng No. 5 Middle School, fengcheng 331199, China; 3. Department of Preventive Medicene, School of Medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the current status of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of dairy food among junior middle school students in Fengcheng City and the related influencing factors, in order to provide a basis for schools and the government to develop strategies for the promotion and guidance of milk and dairy products. Methods Two sets of questionnaires with similar but different contents were designed; a total of 455 students from a junior middle school in Fengcheng City were selected for the first survey on KAP of milk and dairy products by class. After the preliminary analysis of the questionnaire, the intervention was carried out on all classes of students by means of blackboard, QQ pushing information, and distribution of paper science materials. The second survey was carried out one month after the first survey. Finally, the KAP before and after the intervention was compared and analyzed by chi-square test. Results The pre-intervention knowledge pass rate was 74.3% and the post-intervention knowledge pass rate was 88.8%, which was better than the pre-intervention. The pre-intervention attitude level was “excellent” in 31.4%, “good” in 62.5%, and “poor” in 6.1%, the post-intervention attitude level was “excellent” in 40.7%, “good” in 54.2%, and “poor” in 5.1%, and the post-intervention attitudes were better than the pre-intervention attitudes. Maternal literacy is an important factor influencing knowledge and attitudes toward milk and dairy products among junior middle school students. There was no statistically significant difference in milk and dairy product consumption practice among junior middle school students before and after the intervention. Conclusion The intervention can improve the awareness level and attitude of more than 10% of middle school students about milk and dairy products, but long-term intervention is still needed for practice change.
Received: 29 December 2022
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