Evaluation of the effect of different smoke removal devices on smoke purification in the operating room |
YU Ke, ZHOU Dai, DENG Fengliang, HU Jiale, LIU Xiulan, GAO Jianxin, BAI Li |
Department of Surgical Anesthesiology, Changsha Hospital for Maternal & Child Health Care Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410007 |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the air purification effect of laminar ventilation system and central negative pressure suction device for the scientific use of the device. Methods A portable air quality detector was used to measure the air concentration of PM2.5 and CO2 in the operating room of a tertiary hospital in Hunan Province, and to evaluate the air purification effect of the exhaust device. Results The concentration of PM2.5 and CO2 increased significantly at the time of surgery; the concentration of PM2.5 and CO2 in the “laminar ventilation” operating room was lower than in the ordinary operating room; in the open surgery and endoscopic surgery, the smoke removal effect of “laminar ventilation + central negative pressure device” was better than the “laminar ventilation” device. Conclusion “Laminar ventilation system” can reduce the concentration of PM2.5 and CO2 in surgical smoke, and the combined use of “laminar ventilation system” and “central negative pressure suction device” is better.
Received: 04 July 2024
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