The Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Disaster Preparedness Among Intern Nursing Students in the Context of Emergency Public Health Events. |
YUAN Tian1, LIU Lihua2, LI Lijun3 |
School of medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the current situation of disaster preparedness and related influencing factors of nursing interns in the context of public health emergencies,and to provide a theoretical basis for improving the disaster nursing ability of nursing interns. Method The researchers used a self-made general data questionnaire,a Chinese version of the disaster preparedness assessment tool and a psychological resilience assessment tool to survey 273 intern nursing students in four tertiary hospitals in Changsha,Hunan Province in the form of paper questionnaires and online questionnaires. Results The disaster preparedness score of 273 intern nursing students was(192.17±48.90),and the average score of the entries was(4.27±1.08),and the disaster preparedness was medium. Among them,the educational background of the intern nursing students,whether they have studied professional disaster nursing courses in school,whether the hospital where the internship is located has held disaster nursing training and psychological resilience are significant influencing factors of disaster preparedness. Conclusion The disaster preparedness of intern nursing students under the background of public health emergencies is at a medium level. It is necessary to implement and promote the improvement of the academic qualifications of intern nursing students,strengthen the education of professional disaster nursing courses,carry out disaster nursing training to improve the disaster preparedness of intern nursing students,and give play to their role as a disaster rescue reserve force.
Received: 13 June 2023
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