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湖南师范大学学报(医学版)  2023, Vol. 20 Issue (5): 95-98    DOI:
临床医学 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
朱耀凤1, 杜春2, 宋欢2, 何泽真1, 左凌燕1, 龚玲1, 张芸芸1
1.重庆市长寿区妇幼保健院,重庆 401200;
2.中国人民解放军陆军第九五八医院,重庆 400020
Correlation between serum Sortilin level with glucose and lipid metabolism and insulin resistance in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus and diagnostic value analysis
ZHU Yaofeng1, DU Chun2, SONG Huan2, HE Zezhen1, ZUO Lingyan1, GONG Ling1, ZHANG Yunyun1
1. Changshou District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Chongqing 401200, China;
2. The 958th Army Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, Chongqing 400020, China

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