Abstract:Objective Discuss the Effects of diosgenin intervention on monocrotaline inducing pulmonary artery hypertension
on rats. Methods Divide the 36 rats into normal control group, MCT model group and pulmonary artery hypertension diosgenin
intervention group. Detect the average pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP), right- cardiac index(RV/LV+S), morphology
index, IL-6 and apoptosis index to observe the effect of Dio intervention on MCT inducing PAH on rats. Results The mPAP,
right ventricle hypertrophy index, pulmonary arteriole wall thickness, collagenous fiber content in pulmonary arteriole and IL-6
level in pulmonary tissue homogenate of the diosgenin intervention group are significantly lower than those of the MCT model
group, while the apoptosis index is significantly higher than that of the MCT model group. Conclusion Dio may protect rats
against PAH induced by MCT, through inhibiting pulmonary vascular remodeling and inflammatory factor, and promoting pulmonary
vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis.