Mediating effect of coping style and self-concealment on the relationship between type D personality on social isolation among elderly patients with coronary heart disease
LIU Mengqi1, HE Pingping2, WANG Ping3, TIAN Dandan1, LIU Yating1, ZHANG yingqun1
1. School of Nursing, University of South China, Hengyang 421000; 2. School of Medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013; 3. Wuling District Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Changde 415000
Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between type D personality, social isolation, coping style and self-concealment among elderly patients with coronary heart disease. Methods A total of 322 elderly patients with coronary heart disease in three grade A tertiary general hospital in Hunan were selected as subjects. Patient were surveyed using the General Alienation Scale (GAS), the Type D personality scale (DS-14), the Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire (MCMQ) and the Self‐Concealment Scale (SCS). Results The sample scored (39.69±11.20) on social isolation, (24.17±9.49) on type D personality, (15.76±5.81) on confrontation coping, (16.02±6.42) on avoidance coping, (10.74±3.81) on submission coping and (34.80±10.26) on self-concealment. There was positively correlation between social isolation, type D personality, avoidance coping, submission coping and self-concealment, while confrontation coping was negatively correlated with any of the other variables. The results of the mediating test showed that the type D personality in elderly patients with coronary heart disease directly and positively predict the social isolation, and indirectly affect separately through confrontation coping, avoidance coping, submission coping as well as self-concealment. Social isolation also could indirectly influenced type D personality through the chain mediating effect of avoidance coping and self-concealment. The total mediating effect accounted for 60.67% of the total effect. Conclusion Social isolation in elderly patients with coronary heart disease was in moderately high levels. Coping style and self-concealment play a partial mediating role between type D personality and social isolation. Medical staffs can improve the level of social isolation in elderly patients with coronary heart disease through the perspectives of changing patients' type D personality, guiding patients to adopt positive coping styles, and reducing patients' self-concealment.
刘梦琪, 何平平, 王萍, 田丹丹, 刘雅婷, 张英群. 应对方式和自我隐瞒在老年冠心病患者D型人格与社会疏离间的中介作用[J]. 湖南师范大学学报(医学版), 2023, 20(6): 157-162.
LIU Mengqi, HE Pingping, WANG Ping, TIAN Dandan, LIU Yating, ZHANG yingqun. Mediating effect of coping style and self-concealment on the relationship between type D personality on social isolation among elderly patients with coronary heart disease. HuNan ShiFan DaXue XueBao(YiXueBan), 2023, 20(6): 157-162.
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