Survey of Mental Health Knowledge and Attitude to Mental Disorder In the general Residents in Chengdu Pidu District |
JIANG Xiu, YANG Wanying, ZHU Shanshan |
Pidu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, chengdu 611730, China |
Abstract Objective Understand the status of residents' awareness of mental health knowledge and attitude towards mental diseases in Chengdu Pidu district, and analyze relevant factors affecting awareness rate and residents attitude, in order to provide scientific basis for in-depth development of community mental health work. Method A multi-stage random sampling method was used to select 1520 residents aged 15 and above for a household questionnaire survey. The awareness rate and total questionnaire scores of different demographic characteristics were described using aχ2 test and t-test; The analysis of influencing factors was conducted using a multi factor ordered logistic regression model. Results The awareness rate of mental health knowledge among residents in Pidu District is 70.15%. Gender, urban-rural differences, and educational background are all influencing factors for the awareness rate of mental health. The awareness rate of urban residents is higher than that of rural residents (P<0.05), and the awareness rate of women is higher than that of men. The population with a graduate degree or above is the highest (P<0.05). The total score of residents' attitudes towards mental illness was (34.94±5.68), and urban-rural differences and marital status were the influencing factors for attitudes towards mental illness. Urban residents scored higher than rural residents, and divorced individuals scored the highest. Conclusion The awareness rate of mental health knowledge among residents in Pidu District is average.
Received: 26 May 2023
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