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湖南师范大学学报(医学版)  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (4): 145-149    DOI:
临床医学 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
宁智1, 周戴2, 戴新军1, 王丹1, 伍明辉1, 彭越2, 李翠英2
1.浏阳市中医医院,浏阳 410300;
2.湖南师范大学附属长沙市妇幼保健院,长沙 410007
Clinical Study on the Prevention and Treatment of Negative Effect after mFOLFOX6 Chemotherapy Protocol using a Combination of Xiangsha Liujunzi Paste and Ondansetron
NING Zhi1, ZHOU Dai2, DAI Xingjun1, WANG Dan1, WU Minghui1, PENG Yue2, LI Cuiying2
1. Liuyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
2. Changsha Hospital for Maternal & Child Health Care Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, changsha 410007, Hunan, CHINA

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