CiteSpace-based analysis of international disease stigma hotspots
WANG Hengxu1, CHEN Xi2, LIU Lihua1, SONG Caini1, ZHENG Mingxiang1
1. School of Medicine, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410013, Cina; 2. The Second Xiangya Hospital Of Central South University, Changsha 410010, China
摘要目的:探讨国内外病耻感的研究热点,分析病耻感未来发展趋势,以期为后续相关研究提供参考。方法:分别检索Web Of Science和中国知网数据库2017―2021年国内外关于病耻感研究相关文献,使用Excel和CiteSpace 5.8.R3软件对发文量、国家地区合作、关键词共现、关键词聚类以及突现词分析进行可视化图谱绘制。结果:共纳入英文文献7013篇,中文文献702篇。国际上美国发文量最多,中国排名第五;荷兰是中心性最大的国家。高频关键词和关键词聚类结果显示影响因素、应对方式、生活质量、健康以及心理护理是国内外主要的研究热点。国际上病耻感领域的研究前沿是自我病耻感和模型构建;患者家属连带内在病耻感、社会功能以及病耻感最新研究进展将成为国内病耻感研究新趋势。结论:通过对比国内外病耻感研究热点和趋势,国内病耻感研究在后续可以加强与其他国家之间的交流和合作,多关注公众病耻感研究和干预研究。
Abstract:Objective To explore the research hotspots of stigma at home and abroad, and analyze the future development trend of stigma, provide a reference for subsequent related research. Methods Web Of Science and CNKI database were searched for literature on stigma research from 2017 to 2021, and Excel and CiteSpace 5.8. R3 software were used to visualize the number of publications, national and regional cooperation, keyword co-occurrence, keyword clustering, and emergent word analysis. Results A total of 7013 English literature and 702 Chinese literature were included. Internationally, the United States was the most centrality country, China ranks fifth; And the country with the largest centrality is the Netherlands. The results of high-frequency keywords and keyword clustering showed that influencing factors, coping methods, quality of life, health, and psychological nursing was the main research hotspots at home and abroad. The frontier of international research in the field of stigma is self-stigma and model construction; the Internalized stigma of the patient’s family, social function, and research on the progress of stigma will become a new trend of stigma research in China. Conclusion By comparing the hot spots and trends of stigma research at home and abroad, domestic stigma research can strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in the future, and pay more attention to public stigma research and intervention research.
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